White living room

Kingdom Therapists

Holy Spirit-led Mental Health Clinicians

We're revolutionalizing the way Christian therapists counsel the Church.

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We know counseling others is important work.

We train and support with our therapists with cutting edge faith-based and clinically sound training so that they can help clients accomplish their goals without sacrificing their beliefs.

With our experience in both mental health and prayer ministry, you can be confident that our resources will equip you and your counseling career.

Worried Woman Taking Advice from Counsellor

What we focus on


Discover how to prioritize self care and work from a place of peace so that your passion for your counseling business never burns out or runs dry.


Learn how to partner with Holy Spirit and use clinically supported interventions to help your clients receive cutting edge mental health care.


Get connected with a network of other clinicians who want to expand the Kingdom of God on the earth by reforming mental health to bring peace, joy and righteousness.

Young Woman on a Session with Her Therapist
The Words Mental Health on Laptop Screen

Our Main Services

We are the #1 center for training and gather Christian therapists who are Kingdom-minded. (Matthew 6:33)

  • Clinical consultation
  • Internship for graduation students
  • Supervision for those seeking an LMFT or RPT
  • Training center (Coming soon - CEU Provider)
  • Global online community network
  • Job opportunities

Kingdom Therapists

Contact Details

620 Stoneglen Dr, Ste B

Keller, TX 76248

(817) 562-8800


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Office Hours

By Appt Only:

Monday to Friday

8:00 am to 8:00 pm


8:00 am to 12 noon

Closed on Sundays

Copyright 2023. Redefine. All rights reserved.